Thursday, August 8, 2013


Most know my days begin rather early...sometimes about 5am and run until about 10pm. I keep rather long hours but it's all how you maximise your time right?

Last night I decided to hit the treadmill for an hour at 9pm. As I was deciding what kind of run I wanted to do I looked at the options and several questions came to mind.  I set the machine on "fat burner" entered in all my information and upped the heart rate max to 185.

I'm not even sure I should have done that but it seemed like ages before I reached my max and as I was waiting to see the magic numbers on the heart rate monitor the treadmill steadily increased to an incline of 13.9, 14.1, 14.5...I thought I was going to fall off!

which leads me to the question, although I was able to run at that incline it was hard to reach the 185. How do I calculate what my max heart rate should be with vigerous exercise?

What is the importance of BMI and VO2 Max? I just don't get all the calculations. For some reason, they don't make sense to me.

I'm going to hit the gym today but for the life of me, I have no idea what workout to do. I know I want to get the wiggle out of my arms, abs, and legs so I think I may do some HIIT training for about 30 minutes. I'm just not sure exactly what I want to do.

Any ideas? Any suggestions, recommendations or advice?

Keep on keepin' on!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Continuance...Bagram Battle!

I've been tracking everything I eat since this past Friday. The goal is to go until this coming Friday and see how much junk food I have eaten. This is also an attempt at limiting the junk food I consume. So, has it helped? I think so.

I have to admit today was one of those days. I ate a pack of Girl Scout cookies...the Trefoils! Those are so delicious, one is not enough! But, those were the only junk I had eaten until I had a bite sized banana flavored laffy taffy. Mmmmm!

So, tonight I will hit the treadmill and run 5 miles to combat the evil calories I just sent to the bottom of my tummy. I can surely create my calorie deficit in 5 miles. Good thing I walked quickly to the dental clinic and back today or I would be waaayyy over my calorie budget.

Tonight, I run. Tomorrow I do total body. I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hard Work, haard work...

As I sit and think about my leg workout the other day I hear the old cadence "Hard Work!" in my head. Why is that you ask? Well, first off, every time I stand up, sit down, walk up or down hurts! So, in an effort to keep going, I think to myself that all the hard work will pay off soon.

So, today I took my fitness goal one step further. I have done measurements so I can try and track my progress in decreasing my body fat %. My goal is to drop about 10 pounds in body fat.

For those of you who are thinking, "You are skinny now, why do you want to lose weight?" I may be skinny but I'm sure you've also heard the phrase "skinny fat". It's when you are skinny but have a high percentage of body fat.

I am skinny, yes. I have a high percentage of body fat that I want to turn to lean muscle.

Many are asking, how can you have body fat, you are a runner. I may run but running doesn't build muscle per se, it helps increase your cardiovascular endurance. Yes, it helps a little with muscle but doesn't get the results you might look for when it comes to being lean.

I've recently re-introduced myself to cross training to build lean muscle so that when I look in the mirror, I will like what I see.

So, this evening, I will use the elliptical machine and do a quick total body work out incorporating core training to strengthen my back and abs.

Enjoy your day and keep on, keepin' on!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Keeping it up in Bagram

Yep, it's been a while but I've not stopped working out or running although the limited time has made its interruptions weekly not allowing me the opportunity to get out and run!

But, if you check out Bagram Running Club on Facebook, you'll see there are plenty of opportunities to get out and have fun on a run.

I've finally adjusted to the altitude for the most part but I'll say, at almost 5,000 feet above sea level it takes a bit of time.

So, becuase I love to run that's about all I've been doing when I do exercise so today, I decided to change it up a little. I've really got to get some strenght training and HIIT in. I'm losing weight but I'm not losing the fat like I should. Now, that's not saying I'm fat but in Body Fat to Muscle weight ratio...I'm over the body fat percentage big time and physically it shows!

Today, I did four rounds of TRX push-ups, Triceps and lateral abs while adding the battling ropes, in air squats and lunges. Tomorrow, Monday, I get back on track with my routine.

With the constant sonic boom of the jets at night I find it increasingly harder to sleep so it's thrown off my workouts and running. I've switched to working out in the afternoons and sleeping to 0615 to be in the office by 0630. I've made this little promise to myself to get up early and run. Hopefully I can hang with it.

I'm doing everything I can to stay in shape here in Bagram especially with my work schedule...

Hoping to see the rest of this fat melt off to become more tone!


Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Afghanistan Adjustment

Adjusting the the "Stan" has been a bit easier than I anticipated. I was told how hard it would be to get my sleep cycle strait and how running would make my lungs feel like they were going to explode! Well, my sleep cycle is ok but running makes my lungs feel just like I was told. This has become a challenge because not long ago I was running 6-8 miles no problem! Now, I'm starting over and that's ok. This is my project for myself in the "Stan". I will get into shape.

So, I've been here a week and a half, closing in on my two week mark and feeling good. I have to say though, it's been a rough road with fatigue and lack of physical energy. I have all the mental energy one needs in an environment like this but it's making my body do some work that has been hard.

I spent a while being nauseated and having indigestion because the change in my diet and the quality of the food here. I don't even crave meat anymore but I eat it because I need the protein. Bread and carbs, for me, a thing of the past right now. I'll eat carbs but I get them from fruit and potatoes. I've resorted to eating a lot of eggs, strawberries, melons and oatmeal for breakfast and for lunch if I don't workout I eat cucumbers, celery, tomatoes and more fruits. If I workout then I have a ViSalus shake or some tuna and rice and peanut butter with an apple or bannana. For dinner, more of the same for lunch.

It's weird how the things I craved before coming here, I no longer have a desire to eat. I MUST admit however, I have had cake, cupcakes and cookies... C'mon, don't judge! I love pastries and chocolate...that's my cryptonite!

Included with my change in diet, I've successfully worked out every day but two days. I have to admit the workouts have been small. I've managed to do some sort of cardio and strengthening exercise and I'll tell ya, I can certainly feel it!

I've done so many varied exercises here that each day is unique and challenging. This type of exercising keeps me interested. Sitting in a gym lifting weights certainly doesn't motivate me and I get very bored. It's sort of like running on a treadmill. It drives me crazy to have to workout like that.

I have done kettle bell workouts, crossfit workouts and TRX workouts since I've been here. mixing it up keeps me going and keeps my muscles guessing.

So, if anyone out there has any ideas on how to keep my workouts unique and challenging let me know! I'd love to spice up my workouts. Keep in mind, I'm still out of shape and have a lot of work to do but it won't take long.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thug Kitchen Eatin': Raw Narrative on Food

A friend of mine in the class I'm attending found this blog and shared it with me. Now, my friend is very disciplined with his eating and working out, so much so that he motivates me! 

The blog is a very blatant way of explaining what is good to eat and what isn't. It's written with ghetto speak so those of you who are timid with language I urge you to set aside the vulgar language and take the advice.

Read between the F words and you'll be fine.

But, because I think this Blog is highly entertaining as well as educational I had to share it. Please pass it along.

For your entertainment and educational purposes here it is:

Let me know you were here by leaving a cool comment and by the way...

...Keep on Running!

Set Backs Won't Break Me!

Well, running and working out has certainly taken a back burner once again. I was on a roll for a while running the battlefield here and signing up for a few races and then it hit me. Once again I was struck down and out for the count with the flu. Unreal! For three strait weeks I was drained, had no energy and just couldn't bounce back. Of course, here I am almost exactly a month later and still congested and hacking up my lungs. Incredible! 

It's time to kick the excuses in the arse. I'm on my way back to Clarksville so I can prepare to deploy. This will be my chance to begin again...because every time I stop something I have to restart and once I can figure out how to keep going, I'll never have to start over again.

I'll miss running the Petersburg Battlefield but I'm looking forward to more adventures in Afghanistan.

I did some searching and found a good route to run on BAF and I also looked up a Cross Fit Gym there. The one I found is the Vulture CrossFit gym and I'm happy to check it out and see if it's something I can fit into my schedule. Who knows what my calendar is going to look like.

So, as I once again get motivated...I'm asking you to help keep me motivated by giving me feedback and tips as well as good ol' conversation!

It's going to be a great year of health and fitness ahead. I do all this so that I can live a longer, healthier, and more energetic life with my son.

The Shamrock 8 K. Want to do the full when I get back in 2014 to qualify for Boston!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Battlefield Battle

Battlefield Run, Ft. Lee, a set on Flickr.

I gotta say, today was one of my favorite runs! I ran the Petersburg Battlefield today and it snowed. Yep, it snowed and I loved it. Unfortunately it only snowed flurries and then went away but I enjoyed every second of it.

Not to mention, I couldn't help but think about the Soldiers during the Civil War who froze in their defensive positions or who had to haul the cannons up the hills to their positions. 

Looking at all the artifacts was quite interesting. Of course it made for a longer run and sort of off the beaten path but it was well worth it. 

Getting out and clearing my mind helped tremendously. I feel out of sorts today so I figured the run would help. It did to a point but it ended up making me feel a bit worse as the day has gone on. I think it will pass and I'll head out again tomorrow.

I have to add in cross training again. I have seen a good bit of muscle atrophy and I have to reverse that so that I can run longer and better. I want to be able to run the battlefield in under an hour by the time I leave here. I think it will be possible.

Running Photographer


Running Photographer, a set on Flickr.

These photos will show up once you click on the link. It took me a while to figure out why they wouldn't link. If you wanted to see them when I posted them ages ago, here you go. I hope you enjoy! I will also post my photos from my battlefield run here at Ft. Lee.

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Winter's Walk

Walking in a Winter Wonderland! A form of exercise and a stress relief from the Major's course at Ft. Lee. I was fortunate enough to make it to Norfolk in time to beat the snow. As I visited NATO Allied Command Transformation the snow that was following me from Lee caught up to me and fell rapidly. It was serene and calming to walk in the freshly lain snow. The smell of clean air and the snow falling made my day complete. 

I chose to share these photos here to enjoy.

I love this tree!

Another version of the first photo
Reminds me of when I was a kid walking in the snow.

Artsy Fartsy with the camera...or so I tried.

The park bench lightly pasted with snow. I just liked the looks of it.

Everyone inside drinking least that is where I went shortly after this.

The chain link that outlines the garden.

Another picturesque tree. This one just captivates me.

Reminds me of a movie.

Just a view from the bench.

A tree grove on the walk back.

Learning how to hit curveballs

Moving, moving, moving...sort of seems like all I have done lately is move from one military installation to another. I went from Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia to Fort Campbell, Kentucky then on to Ft. Lee, Virginia with a final destination of Afghanistan so I'll continue to stay on the move. After Afghanistan I'll have about 8 months left at Campbell before I have to move again to who knows where at this point.

I gotta say the Army keeps me on my toes. Running, being the only outlet I have continues to be a challenge to maintain as well. After all, this blog is about running and the challenges of doing this so I'll get to that focal point soon...

First, I'll start out with the military aspect and then turn to the running source of sanity.

My journey to Fort Campbell to be a part of the historical 101st Airborne Division went off without a hitch and I enjoyed every minute of being a part of this organization. Well, with all good intentions and plans, you must always remain flexible.

You might recall in my past posts that I was supposed to head to Afghanistan and return with a follow on assignment to the Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC). Well, once again I got a screaming fast curve ball thrown at me when I received a message from the Army stating that all year groups 2000-2003 must have attended CGSOC by the close of 2013. There was only one problem with this...I would have been deployed for 2013 resulting in my having to attend the distance learning version. We all know what happens to those officers...or at least what happened in the past. Those who had to attend via DL didn't have a much longer career left in the Army and I certainly didn't want to fall victim to this. Even though the message clearly stated that DL wouldn't have an effect on promotions...the underlying rule here is...of course it will. The government is trying to downsize the military and what a great way to do that by limiting the slots to attend a course.

C'mon, let's be serious, how many people actually want to attend a DL course? Not many so how many will opt for this? Not many. What a great way for the military to non-selectively put officers out. You're either disciplined enough to do the DL course or you're not. I did my MBA through a lot of online courses and in class courses. It took 18 months for that, there was no way in hell I wanted to do military training that way especially when it came to my professional development.

Obviously I'm not the only one in this time frame but here is where I explain how my situation is special.

First, what division in the world would let a key officer, ok, I'm a deputy but still play a vital role in the least that's the lie I like to tell myself to make myself feel better. Honestly, I'm quite happy with the job because I have a great boss who I have learned a lot from and will continue to learn from as long as I work for her.
Anyway, I got sidetracked so let's get back to the topic at hand. I called my boss when I got the email and was a bit distraught to say the least. I was so upset that I would have to go to CGSOC via DL and that was not suitable to me but in order to get promoted and be retained it was a must after the deployment.

Having the boss that I have, she immediately sent an email to the Chief of Staff asking for him to approve my attendance to the short course and simultaneously called my branch manager to get me a seat in the first class of the year. Her intent was to get me to the course and get me to Afghanistan directly after to meet up with the division. How supportive. The decision had to be made by the end of September. It just so happened that the Chief of Staff was on leave when this came out and he didn't get the request, at least that is what I thought.

He actually did get the request but forgot to answer with his support. I really didn't expect him to send me. I thought he would say what everyone in a division that is deploying would say...suck it up, you're deploying and you can go to CGSOC via DL. Much to my surprise he told me that he supported me and that it will make me a better officer and asset to the Division. I was awestruck.

So, here I am about to enter week 5 of CGSOC and I feel like I am treading water. I lack some serious organizational skills. Skills I used to have but somehow have lost them. I believe that when I don't run, I am a mess. I'm grumpy, unorganized, tired and
emotional...not running turns me into a complete train wreck sometimes.

Here, at Ft. Lee, there is an access point to the Petersburg battlefield where I love to run. It is so serene, quiet and beautiful. This past Monday I ran it and saw 4 deer along the way that just looked up as they saw me pass. They didn't move, just grazed on the grass. When I turned around to head back, just before the end, the deer were still there. That really amazed me that they were not afraid of me at all. They sort of looked at me; I'm sure with their “deerish” grin and saying to themselves..."There goes another one of those two-legged creatures running away again!" Ok, so I'm a little dramatic but you get the point. They were laughing at me :)

In my endeavor to continue to run, I signed up for the Virginia is for lovers Half Marathon that takes place in a week. Let's just say I won't be getting a PR! That's ok because my focus is on my courses. I think if I can get this running thing under control, I'll be able to get my head on strait and be able to reorganize myself once again.

It's almost as if running is the oil that makes my brain flow smoothly and without it, I can't seem to think or move properly. Without it, I wouldn't be able to hit the curve balls that life and the military feel necessary to throw at me.