Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thug Kitchen Eatin': Raw Narrative on Food

A friend of mine in the class I'm attending found this blog and shared it with me. Now, my friend is very disciplined with his eating and working out, so much so that he motivates me! 

The blog is a very blatant way of explaining what is good to eat and what isn't. It's written with ghetto speak so those of you who are timid with language I urge you to set aside the vulgar language and take the advice.

Read between the F words and you'll be fine.

But, because I think this Blog is highly entertaining as well as educational I had to share it. Please pass it along.

For your entertainment and educational purposes here it is: www.thugkitchen.com

Let me know you were here by leaving a cool comment and by the way...

...Keep on Running!

Set Backs Won't Break Me!

Well, running and working out has certainly taken a back burner once again. I was on a roll for a while running the battlefield here and signing up for a few races and then it hit me. Once again I was struck down and out for the count with the flu. Unreal! For three strait weeks I was drained, had no energy and just couldn't bounce back. Of course, here I am almost exactly a month later and still congested and hacking up my lungs. Incredible! 

It's time to kick the excuses in the arse. I'm on my way back to Clarksville so I can prepare to deploy. This will be my chance to begin again...because every time I stop something I have to restart and once I can figure out how to keep going, I'll never have to start over again.

I'll miss running the Petersburg Battlefield but I'm looking forward to more adventures in Afghanistan.

I did some searching and found a good route to run on BAF and I also looked up a Cross Fit Gym there. The one I found is the Vulture CrossFit gym and I'm happy to check it out and see if it's something I can fit into my schedule. Who knows what my calendar is going to look like.

So, as I once again get motivated...I'm asking you to help keep me motivated by giving me feedback and tips as well as good ol' conversation!

It's going to be a great year of health and fitness ahead. I do all this so that I can live a longer, healthier, and more energetic life with my son.

The Shamrock 8 K. Want to do the full when I get back in 2014 to qualify for Boston!