Thursday, June 14, 2012

P90X Git Some...On the Move!

What did we ever do without the ol' mobile phone? Heck, it's graduated from mobile phone to cell phone and now...dah dah dahhhh....wait for it...

...It's a SMART PHONE!

Who would have thought we would be able to do so much with a smart phone. You gotta admit, it is pretty smart!

It can pretty much read your thoughts and call someone before you even so much as take a glimpse at it! Soon, you'll have to put a leash on it because it will follow you around like a lost puppy and put new meaning to the "mobile phone" once again!

So, with the smart phone being a part of almost everyone's daily life more and more, apps are being made on a regular basis for absolutely everything. It's really hard to weed through the good apps from the lame apps.

You ever try those fitness apps? You know, the ones who give you a few exercises but that's it. They don't really do anything for you but give you a little guidance on form and reps and maybe they have a timer on them. These are most likely the free ones with ads that ask you to upgrade so you don't see them anymore and the company has you pay for it. After you paid for it you realized the app just plain stunk!

I have tried those apps and was very disappointed in what they had to offer and not to mention the pesky little advertisements that go along with them!

Well, as I continued to search for good fitness apps, I have found a few apps that I like to use. I actually bought one after using the ad version for a while. I decided I liked it so much. I bought the "I Map My Run" app for my iPhone and love it! It gives me every option I need to track my runs and my times as well as elevation, location and now I can synch up my heart rate monitor and do heart rate training too. Not that I need that because I don't know how to calculate my HR. I don't do numbers!

So, about those work out apps, I haven't really found one that I was interested in lately because they don't seem to do everything I want or they don't have a specific exercise listed to help with creating something different each day. Always the same types of exercise with the same picture...not video shown and quite boring!

So, you know the ever infamous P90X by Tony Horton right? Well, they have created several versions of P90X to fit everyone's fitness levels and as you grow out of one version...hey, don't sweat!! There's another one just for you! Imagine all your hard work that you've put into your health and fitness and imagine going on vacation and not having your P90X with you!! If you are anything like me, you eat a lot! As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about cupcakes right now! Mmmmm!

 I love food so the only way I can maintain my weight without busting the seams is to get a good run in somewhere but also, I like to get a good workout in too. This is where P90X has gone one step further! 

The P90X iPhone app provides convenience, accountability and mobility and heck...why not some good old fashioned fun too! What a way to stay motivated to continue your workouts regularly and not have an excuse to stop because of traveling! Lord knows I put on a lot of flab from traveling this year and using it as an excuse not to exercise because I didn't have a gym or I didn't have time to go to the gym etc...the list goes on when it comes to excuses for me!

Anyway, you all know how I like to dig into things so I checked out the P90X iPhone app here "P90X iPhone Application Link" and I think it is a really great tool for the P90X lover and even if you don't have P90X, you can still use it but to get the full effects you need to have an account.  It has everything from video to display to tracking your reps, increases in weights and it automatically synchs with the online tracking system. You can select a program and the calendar populates the workouts for you! You never have to enter a workout type in or try to guess about it every day, it's already done for you after you go through a few simple steps. Turn it on and go to town!

Basically this thing is a personal trainer wrapped in a little tiny iPhone contraption. It works in conjunction with your P90X program but you can use it alone.

Now, there is no excuse to keep from working out! You have the DVD's with equipment at home and you have the app on the go! What else do you need now? You have it all right at the tip of your forefinger! :)

Check it out! I did and I love this concept!

Until next time...keep running!

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