Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ready for the Beach?

So, If my memory serves me correctly I began to fall in love with the fitness world while in high school or even as far back as junior high school. I was too nervous to ever become a trainer because I was too afraid I'd forget the movements or timing. So, I just like to enjoy it as a client :)

Ok, so we all know who Richard Simmons is, the crazy colorful guy with an afro who dances us into shape with his fun aerobic moves around a gym floor. But I couldn't stand him...I don't know if it was those short little shorts and his squeaky voice that did it or what. 

Anyway, outside of the Richard Simmons workouts and Sweatin' to the Oldies, I  saw my first video taped exercise by Raquel Welch. She'd begin her video by sitting at her table drinking her morning coffee before she got into the groove. She was my first inspiration into the world of aerobics.

Time went on, the 80's turned to the 90's and I still had my love of working out although I ran track and played a little basketball I still enjoyed a little sweat in front of the TV.

My mom ordered Tony Little's Beach Body workout VHS from Beach Body on QVC when I was in high school. (I know, another as seen on TV ad) I rolled my eyes too! But... keep reading because my eyes rollin' turned into my eyes opened!

That was my first introduction to Beach Body. I was instantly inspired by Tony's story. He was a body builder, a champion at that, with the world at his fingertips until one terrible event. He had been in bad car accident and herniated some disks in his back. I could tell you more about him but he is just a part of this point...After that accident, he began looking into ways to create a modified workout plan to get back into shape. He was the fun, pony tailed, personal trainer that continued to inspire me. I still use his catch phrases to get me through the workouts that I endure today. He would always say (in a fun voice that reminded me of someone from New Jersey) "you can Doo it!" or "Beach Body, Beach Body, Beach Body" during the workouts to keep you focused on getting ready for the beach! He also focused on correct form...I can honestly say, I've never really been injured while working out because I have learned proper form through him and others.

Well, I moved on from Tony Little after I joined the Army in 1996. The Army kept me in shape for a long time until I got pregnant with my little man. I had my son at the beginning of 2003 and I was in dire need of getting back in shape. The hard part was I was getting ready to deploy to Iraq for the first time and I didn't have a lot of time to get back into "fighting" shape. So, I ordered the new series by Beach Body..."Slim In 6" With Debbie Siebert. She promised to slim me up in 6 weeks. I brought the workout to Iraq with me and tried to do it every day...considering there wasn't much in the way of TV and VCR equipment, I put off Slim in 6 for a while. I eventually did get to use it and saw a difference for once. I got back from Iraq and moved...and moved again...and deployed again! No Slim in 6 this time. I resorted to running and cross fit. That helped a lot to tighten me up.

So, I got back from my second tour in Iraq at the end of 2007 and there was Tony Horton! I watched the infomercial during my jet lagged days, contemplated it and then I ordered the most famous P90X series. I really enjoyed this workout because it actually pushed me to my limits. I considered myself in decent shape at the time too but it kicked me! I got the 12 workout DVD's that I could do at my own pace but if you know me, I don't have my own pace all the time. Tony Horton or whichever instructor was on at the time was my competitor! I had to keep up with him until the end or at least I tried to. I will tell you, by the end of a workout I was smoked! My favorite part was the cool down sessions, ha ha ha! I also liked the calendar and the little nutrition book that came along with it. Now, P90X has so many options there is no way you'll ever get bored with it.

So, my brother "borrowed" my P90X so he and his son could get in shape...hmmm...I wonder if he's actually doing it...I should call and ask! 

Ok, I got sidetracked...

Well, after my dear friend ordered the Brazilian Booty series I checked into the Les Mills Body Pump Series. Now, I've been traveling a lot this year so my time with Body Pump has been little. I have to tell you that Body Pump kicked my butt too...literally! I had to take extra time getting up and down stairs because my legs were so sore and then my abs were happy sore and my arms...well, they were jello! 

Which brings me to the end of this LOOONNGG Blog...Beach Body is world renown with their innovative approaches to in home fitness and health. They have many more products in the works and I  have the privilege to share them with you as I get them. Tomorrow I will begin with the iPhone App for P90X, this is already available but you'll get more detail soon from me. 

For now, if I've peaked your interest at all in any of the Beach Body Products you should check out their website at Beach Body there is a workout regimen for every body and fitness level with a lot of options to choose from depending on your comfort and they have health products as well. So, until tomorrow's review check out what they currently have and soon I'll give you a sneak peak at what is to come.


  1. Robin, this is a great post, and I am happy for you. What a compliment to be asked to write for a fitness company. As for Slim in 6, Terri started it 2 weeks ago, and I started it last week. We are doing it together. Just today, I, being a smart man, apologized to her for having the opinion that 6 was just a "chick" workout. I did P90 the first time she did 6. Well, today, Debbie kicked my a**. There are elements of P90 in it, or maybe there's elements of Si6 in P90. Either way, I was smoked today.
    Being 41 is not sitting well with me, and I have decided to do something about it. Terri and I are going to finish this series, and then we may do P90 together. P90X is on my todo list, but not yet.
    Keep up the good work, and I will keep an eye out for your next post.

    1. Hi Andy,

      I'm so glad you find this interesting! I know you are a great writer and teacher so coming from you this is a huge compliment!

      I've been watching you on FB do your runs and you are motivating me to get back off my rear end and do it too!

      It's wonderful to hear you and Terri are getting back to the grind. Yes, Debbie will Kick your butt! I thought the same thing you thought when I first tried it but she really get's you hurting! You'll have fun doing it together too!

      Keep it up and sometime we will all meet for the Disney 1/2 or full marathon!! I'd love to meet Terri!

      Age is just a number! Look at Tony Horton, he's getting on up there...over 50 I believe...So, I keep telling myself as I get older that age is not an excuse :)

      Keep it up and I will be watching your progress too! I'm so excited for you!
