Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Bostonian Dream

I wasn't planning on posting again tonight but someone shared an article with me that I couldn't pass up sharing here.  Women at the Boston Marathon, 40 years and running

It has been a lifelong dream of mine to qualify for Boston, I'm a former Bostonian... Well, I lived in Hull, across the harbor from Boston and Logan Airport. I remember watching the planes fly over as they took to flight or lowered their landing gear!

I watched the Boston Marathon as a little girl and thought how amazing it would be to run this race! I moved away and never gave it a thought again until several years ago when I started really running long distance...in Iraq.  I thought, if I had the right training I could do it!

It's nice to know that a handful of women paved the way to make that possible. This is what the above mentioned article talks about.

I am a very slow runner. One day, I will qualify just like my good friend will. she is much closer to it than I will be anytime soon...

...Is it ok to live vicariously through her and maybe one day I'll get there too?

A friend of mine writes a blog called Boston or Botox...you can google her, her name is Danica Luker and she has written for Runners World and I have been following her blog for a while. She's got some great advice and has helped me on a couple of my questions for running.

Check her out! I may attach her information in one of my future posts. But, for now, check out this article which I think you'll find fascinating and inspiring!

Keep Running!!!


What the heck! Mother Nature cannot make up her mind! One day it's beautiful and sunny with great temperatures, pollen floating around telling me Spring is in the air. The next it's rainy and muggy with a slight chill cutting to the bone BUT...still great weather.

We all know the saying about March...in like a lion out like a lamb however, I am beginning to think the lion decided to overstay its welcome!

I had it all planned out last night for my early morning rendez-vous with running...My clothes all picked out and placed ever so neatly in my duffel bag as I eagerly await my morning meditational run. I chose my amazing running shorts and sweat wicking T-shirt and my Mizuno sneakers. When I stepped out of my warm cozy bed, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Ahhh, the early morning FREEZE had managed to creep its way back during the night.

So, I begrudgingly took out my long sleeve shirt and thought it would be enough to sheild me from the bitter cold that dear Mother Nature had lovingly blanketed the earth with this morning.

Nope...it wasn't enough but I braved it anyway! As I stepped out onto the pavement from the gym, the air, bitter as it was, clinched my legs and took my breath away. Usually, cold doesn't bother me on a run, I actually prefer running in cold weather but today...something was different.

As I ran down the sidewalk that led outside the post main gate, I began to sniffle...nope, not allergies this time but every time I run in the cold my nose runs more than I do! Next thing I know I have snotcycles forming on the tips of my nose. Boy, that's fun, if you can imagine....

Caution: Sarcasm at work here!

So, as I approached the 1.5 mile mark I saw this little patch of goldeness and of course...I had to capture it in time so I could share with you, my small readership!

Along the path were Buttercup flowers...they reminded me of my childhood and placing them under my chin to see if they reflected yellow.

This is a little blurry but, keep in mind...I was running. Combining two of my novice hobbies together. Add to the quick stop and the frozen air I had to keep moving! So blurred they are!

The run ended well, I ran a little over a 9 minute pace which for me is great especially when I usually keep a 10 minute pace.

Must have been the snotcycles on my face that forced me to rush back!

Monday, March 26, 2012

They STILL Don't fit!

Ok, so I have a business trip coming up where I will be wearing civilian clothes...

...here is where the sad story starts! Ok, so it's not a sad story but it's me feeling pitiful for myself...picture it, Virginia Beach, 2012...Do you hear the similarities with Sofia on Golden Girls?
If not, let me remind you...Golden Girls theme song  The good thing is I have some good friends who can help kick my butt into shape, even if they are not here with me! 

Well, picture it, I have been working out and running now since January but it just seem like the stubborn fat will NOT GO AWAY! Albeit, it's been a rough start and hard to get myself motivated and add to that the fact that my travel habits were not the best in the past 6 or so months...I ate a lot of good European food! WELLLLL....I won't be doing that anymore...at least for a while. The Hoover, otherwise known as my stomach, is now out of service!

How do I know I have not lost a lick of fat, well, let's just say as I was sadly packing for this trip to Chicago for the Summit in May, I was trying on my outfits that I wanted to wear. Needless to say, they are T.I.G.H.T!

This cannot be possible I tell you! So, tomorrow, I will get up extra early so that I can get to work and run at least 6 miles before I begin my day. After that, I need to be very good about what I eat! I have to kick this sugar habit!

So, I need some motivation! Tell me, how do you girls and boys stay motivated on a daily basis? How is it that I can run 6 miles no problem and still have fat assets if you catch my drift?  Anyone? Anyone out there want to add to this and tell me I'm not alone here with this battle of the cellulite?

UGH! I will combat this! 

My Ducks ARE in a row!!

My Ducks in a Row during My Run!
So, in an effort to move my derrière in a forward direction without looking like a girl flailing her arms and legs I decided to embark on a late afternoon 2-miler yesterday evening even though I was practicing on perfecting my lazy technique on Sunday.

Along my run I saw these li'l guys marching along in a single file line and it reminded me to... keep my ducks in a row...pun intended! Although these guys are Canadian Geese, they still reminded me to stay strait!

This was a simple little reminder that my forcing myself to get off my duff and do something active even though I didn't want to. I was simply reminded to keep my running ducks in a row!

Needless to say I'm glad I did because I ate horribly yesterday (Sunday) and I'm paying for it dearly today! The nausea from eating crappy food has taken over my life right now and the thought of running does not make it any better! So, I'm drinking some good ol' Seagram's Ginger Ale hoping it will assist my tummy in ceasing its acrobatic acts and summer saults!

I'll begrudgingly take myself on a run later this evening in order to give myself a little bit of time to feel better... maybe pukie and I will meet up but I hope that won't be the case...

Wish me luck! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sedated Sunday!

What an unfortunate day this is! It is the last day of the weekend and I feel like the week flew by. I guess all the running around I did this past week just plain flattened me today. Not to mention the weather is gloomy and not so fun looking. Makes ya want to be lazy anyway!

Let's see, I have done a lot this past week. Well, we had a few things going on at work last week that took a lot of time. Especially the Model NATO Challenge. I usually come to work at 6:30 a.m. every day and leave during normal times however Thursday we didn't get home until after 10 p.m. Fortunately due to the area wide base closings we could work from home and I actually got to sleep till 6:30 a.m.

On Friday, I got my li'l guy off to the bus stop and then prepared myself for my photography session at the beach...you remember right? I finally go the link fixed for the photos...at least no one has commented and told me otherwise so I assume it's fixed. 

Anyway for the remainder of the week, we went to Tae Kwon Do on Monday, Tuesday (two times) and Wednesday. I ran on Monday and Friday and did high intensity interval training (HIIT) on Thursday. All to get my butt out and moving! I think it's working a little!

Saturday I got to watch my li'l guy compete in his first Tae Kwon Do tournament where he took second place in the Form category and he took first place in Sparring. I was so proud of him especially because I took third place in Form in my category and first for breaking technique. It was just fun for me to see him so happy to be there. 

Tae Kwon Do has been good for both of us. It's definitely confidence building and for me it's giving me better flexibility. I wish it were tougher though, but you get out what you put in so I always try to work hard. 

Anyway, Saturday had us up early to get ready for the tournament and we were there until 5pm. Needless to say we were smoked! We at sushi for dinner...mind you it was a late dinner but it was dinner nonetheless.

So, here we are...It's Sunday and to be completely honest, I woke up feeling great, ready to go for a run but as time went by I started to feel a bit tired and drug down so I figured..."you know, you worked hard this past week and I can take it easy for one day right?!"  Well, that's what I decided to do today...BE LAZY! So far, I'm doing it! I feel sedated and tires so that is why this is Sedated Sunday for me!

Tomorrow, back to the trails! The running trails that is!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Disney Destination Run Part 1

Oh how I have stories of running the Disney Marathon...this could take a few blogs to tell the story however; it's become a tradition with one of my besties and me!

So, grab some popcorn and your soda or whatever you like to eat or drink at the movies and sit back because I have the uncanniest ability to attract the most amazing.... karma and creatures! Not always in a good way either....

So, it's 2008 and my Disney running story begins...and let's just say, not on a good note either! I fly all the way to Orlando from Hawaii with my li'l man to meet up with a "friend" and a friend who was going to run with me. My "friend" was really cute and I had known him about a year and I thought we had a "connection" however, shortly after the meeting, I realized things weren't going so well because my other friend who was running the race with me was not the most fun person to be around. Let's just say she moped the whole time. 

So, my "friend" invited us to dinner with him and his little girl who was the cutest little girl. So we went to a really nice place in Orlando and my other friend killed the mood the whole night. Basically, she turned my "friend" off permanently. After that weekend he didn't want anything to do with me. 

So, Sunday rolls around and we (my friend and I) run the Marathon.  I felt good and I was ready to run but she didn't really feel well and she had an injury. We got to mile 19 and I crossed the line where I could have run the remainder of the race. She, moping behind me and in not so good health was not doing well. I decided to be the good friend and go back for her to pull her across the 19-mile mark. 

[Side note] if you don't cross the mile marker in a certain amount of time, they take you off the course and you don't finish the race...you see where this is going...

As I went back to get her she limped along and I thought, ok, if we just pass this line we can finish the marathon. So we met up and as I came back toward the 19-mile mark...for the second time, I was put on the bus! YEP, you guessed it, I went back for my friend with the hopes we'd cross but we didn't and I was thrown on the bus...I was LIVID you hear me! LIVID! If I were in her shoes I would have let me finish the race. But nope, I felt bad and didn't and she didn't care. It was then and there that I decided I would never do that to someone else, if I ever get injured or don't feel good on a race I will let my running buddy go ahead and finish. AND...I decided, I'd never run WITH anyone again unless they are healthy, fit and can finish the race...Mind you, I'm not fast at all! I keep about a 9-10 minute pace on my long runs. 

Anyway, you know I was mad. I eventually forgave her but it took a loooong time! I had the absolute worst vacation in Disney World that year...

But, I digress, let me finish the story of Disney year 1...

 So, my "friend" and his daughter met us at the end and it took 2 hours to find the car. Not only have I just got kicked off the course at the 19-mile mark but I had been running for 3:45:00 at that time with no food in my stomach with the exception of some power gels and some water or Gatorade. I was starving and I become a ravenous beast when I am hungry.

Add my extreme hunger to the fact that I'm angry that I didn't finish the race and you have something a little worse than the Tasmanian devil! I was so mad by the time we found the car.

Ok, so back to my "friend", he met us at the end and was mad to find out we didn't finish the race either...Oh, he had no idea the anger I felt, so of course his anger just added to mine and my friend that ran with me seemed not to really care about how we felt. After the race and that weekend, I never saw my "friend" again and he told me it was because he didn't like my friend and if she was any example of the rest of my friends he didn't want any part of that.... wow, I thought what a jerk! My friend may have had a rough time but after I got over my anger at not finishing the run I was ok and she's ok too.  

You know how when you go to races you get a medal at the end and you have a T-shirt that you get with your packet...well, I got my T-shirt and threw it away. Since I didn't get a medal...non-finishers don't get medals...I didn't want anything. I certainly didn't want anything to remind me of that race, that's for sure!

So, end of the story, I had the absolute worst run ever and the worst vacation too! The best part of my vacation was being able to see the smile on my little boy's face in Disney World!
So, if you think this was a crappy story, wait till you hear Disney Year 3's story! You will think...how in the world can all this happen to one person...believe me folks, it can!

Until the next Disney episode.... keep running!

Running Photographer


Running Photographer, a set on Flickr.
This was the link for yesterdays blog. For some reason it didn't work the first time. Please leave your comments and let me know if it works. It is a lot of fun to take photos along the routes that I run and I decided to start logging them on Flickr. I will continue to do this on my leisure runs!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Running Photography

Neptune in Virginia Beach 
Many of you know that I will use Facebook and Twitter while I run races especially something that is 10 miles or more but today, I decided to do something different. I decided to take on a short 6 miles at a relatively slow pace. Turns out I kept an average of a 10 minute mile...while I was taking photos of random sights along the Virginia Beach Boardwalk.

Who would have thunk it? Photography on the run! Honestly, to stop in the middle of a run to take photos actually has its advantages. You get a second to catch your breath and you can take a random photo or two along the way. I figured it would take forever to go 6 miles but quite surprisingly I ran 6 miles in 57 minutes and some change.

I had so many thoughts running through my mind while I was running today. Thoughts about the people running on the boardwalk to the guy who tried to flatten me with his bike. Yep, a guy on his bike refused to go around me...as if he needed a highway lane to get around me...Newsflash buddy, I'm not so big...I was on the edge of the boardwalk, running on the right (since we don't drive on the left, we don't run on the left) We aren't in England you inconsiderate toothless old man, you had a good 20 feet of space to go around me! Ugh the nerve!

Those of you who know me, know that I had a hard time not to say a word but to just listen to the Sirius app on my phone and do what I don't do best...Grin and Bear it!

As I finally found my zen running mind, I ran through crowds of seagulls as I watched the sun touch the top of the sky and the birds took to flight as I neared them. It's quite incredible to "stop and smell the flowers" while on a run. I saw things that I never would have paid attention to while running swiftly...well, as swiftly as my li'l legs will carry me down the road. 

I got home and began my workday from home...seems like it's easier for me to work from home! We need area NAVAL exercises more often so the bases close down! 

So I finally got around to writing today and I was like a giddy little girl downloading my photos. I then decided to opened a flicker account so that I could share my photos of my run with you...they are quite fun, some of them! Granted, they were taken with my iPhone while I was running so they are not the best photos but still, they created my fun on the run!
Check out the photos here and let me know if you cannot get in. Photos
Tell me what you think! Also, do you have any quirky things you do while on your runs? Oh please...Do tell!!!

Until the next adventure where rubber meets concrete, have a great evening!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Interval Training, Royal Marine Commando style!

Today started with an easy three miler! Spring is certainly in the air and with the pollen floating around, breathing was a bit difficult however, in the back of my mind I could hear the sound of Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive" song pushing me down the road!

As if running with the little pollen guys dancing in the sunlight wasn't enough torture, I decided to meet up with our Royal Marine Warrant Officer here to endure his physical fitness regimen. We did three rounds of 12 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) stations. Push ups, V-ups, Sit ups, the mountain climber, the box jump, wall ball throws, jump rope, dips, shoulder press, lateral weight lifts, the superman, and the shuttle run. We did the first set for 30 seconds each followed by a large shuttle run session followed by a one minute water break, did it again at 25 seconds with picking each other up and doing a fireman carry across the gym floor. Then the last session was 20 seconds followed by sprints.

It was a brutal workout but a much needed workout...I once again felt that moment of power, I was invincible, I'm sure I will pay for it tomorrow morning when I head out on my run! Something about self-inflicted pain that gets me all motivated!

Hopefully I will survive the long run in the morning! I hope it does not rain too hard!

What types of workouts do you like? Any recommendations on what other types of training I can do? Maybe I'll give your workouts a try and see to what level I can get to!

I wanna hear from you!...

Weight...you're not going anywhere!

Nope, that's not a misspelling in the title that you see, it's a play on words! I have been eating relatively well and staying more active than in the recent past and I can't seem to drop the pounds any faster!

One day I'll weigh in at 121.4 lbs and the next I'm at 122.8 or worse 124! Granted I've managed to keep a steady 2 pounds off from the 126 that I was at but still, I would like to get down to my ideal body weight which is 116-118. At this rate, I won't break 120!

I guess it's that plateau effect that is hanging around and not dropping off! I have cut my caloric intake to 1200 calories...keep in mind, that's not perfect calories. Of course I still have a war with sugar going on right now but those tiny little crystals of sweetness are taking over slowly!

Today, I plan a good run! Yep, gonna get out there and pound the pavement and gitter done! I have my running budy rearing to go so we are off...stand by for more!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shamrock Saturday...run for the shamrock!

Last time I wrote I had grandiose ideas on running far but that didn't happen...Then, this past weekend when I watched a part of the Shamrock Marathon, I got a little bit of runners envy! You should have seen the streets displayed in a sea of green for miles upon miles!! What a sight, unfortunately, I chose to forego the Marathon...hear me groan :(  But, to my defense I wasn't ready to run it but I didn't want to hurt myself. 

Instead, I registered my li'l man for the "Final Mile", a school event where the children spend a year running a mile a day at PE and finish a marathon's last mile! So cute! While I was hanging out waiting for my mini speed demon to cross the finish line, I was lost in nostalgia...nostalgia for the runs I WAS running! This has become a daunting task for me this running thing! 

Well, to make myself feel better I ventured out on a 6 mile run and to my surprise I felt quite good! I was energized and rearing to go! The weather is perfect except for the mix of pollen and haze! What the heck happened to spring??!! I was really looking forward to easing back into my runs with the smell of the fresh cool air and the scent of new spring buds growing as they wait for summer to brighten their leaves.

Watching the trees turn green and the birds flying across the sky as I run takes my breath away. I listen to the songs the birds sing as the sound of the traffic fades into the background and I forget for a minute the pain in my thighs from this reborn love of mine!


I'm going to find a 1/2 marathon for next month or in May and begin my goal of completion....Anyone want to run it with me? You can virtually, you can keep me motivated with your witty comments to get me off my duff and move my butt! Or, you can watch me as I post miles on Facebook, yes, I'm kind of crazy like that! :)

Tomorrow, I am hoping to get in a good run maybe jump up the morning/lunchtime run to 5 miles..what do you think?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Run went missing...

I can't even explain what happened yesterday! I woke up feeling incredibly awkward and had to actuall take in some of my inhaler...didn't work. I'm completely stress free...for the moment too! For some reason, I couldn't get it together, I barely remember yesterday's events...

...I had every intention of getting my arse out on a run but somehow, time drifted faster through the day and the next thing I know, a run went missing! I MUST get motivated and make no excuses for not running! I have to get out there and "pound the pavement" or I will succomb to the comfort of my chair! I refuse to let that happen so today, I'll take in some TKD at lunch...there is only testing today and my son gets to test for his Orange belt...Shhhh, don't tell him but I'm completely jealous! My Yellow belt is still naked! No stripes yet, not even close to testing for Orange yet! fingers crossed for next month! 

Since I came in before the birds chirped this morning to do our news summary, I will get to leave a little extra early today so I will squeeze in a run before I have to get my kiddo to his testing! I have to make myself get in at least 5 miles tonight! 5...5 not 3, not 4 but 5.

Can you hear me yelling at myself right now! If you can't, let me help you..."I WILL RUN 5 MILES TODAY!"

I need motivation! I need a running buddy, it's so hard to do this on my own! BUT..I will, and I'll prevail, and I'll get rid of my derrière!

Have a great day all...I'll fill you in next time on my fit-venture!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Z Monster refuses to leave...

Now...right this very instant I feel like the Z Monster won't leave my eyelids alone! He keeps pushing them down and wanting me to fall into that state of sleep where the world around you vanishes temporarily and you sleep so soundly! BUT!!!...I can't, I must fight this feeling! Only until Sunday which is usually my sleep-in Day!

Yesterday I went to Tae Kwon Do (TKD) twice! Both times I left almost drenched from the exercise. I went to the adult class at lunch which left me sticky sweaty but feeling like I accomplished something. Usually when I do the family class with my son, I don't feel like I did too much! Last night was a different story! They had us moving and working a LOT! I have to say, I felt like I did a marathon yesterday.

Night soon fell, not long after TKD was over. Ever since the time change...one measly hour, I can't seem to get to sleep before midnight! Keep in mind...I wake up at 0530 every morning for work!

This morning, I feel like I woke up drunk! I felt dizzy and just plain exhausted. I will make it through this phase...I'm determined!

What the heck?! I got on the scale today only to find that I had GAINED weight! Granted it was only a few pounds and I know they say you gain a little before you lose...I hope this is true! It's the first time it's happened to me so we will see! I eat 1200 calories a day with all nutritional needs filled and I exercise! How can I gain 3 pounds?! I should have lost 3 pounds! This is unfair! :(

So for my run today, same route as Monday but hopefully a bit faster...To be continued......

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sweets, treats and not so good eats!

In my new Endeavor to become fit and nutritionally cautious, I have looked at ways to cook healthier and eat healthier, I love Runner's World and their Runner's Diet but I can't seem to start it and stay on it!

I CRAVE sugar! It's insane, I don't drink soda, I don't eat much processed food but darn the sugar! I made a vow when I was young, never to waste food, unless it spoiled then of course throw it away. I used to never buy sweets because I have a son who gets candy several times a year and it piles up. I never buy it! Well...until recently that is. I have decided that I will NOT purchase any candy anymore! That if I WANT candy or sweets, I will learn how to make them myself and I will find a way to make it less fattening! I know I don't have enough time to make candy regularly so that will help.

Pastries...Ohhhhh the pastries! I can smell a cupcake from a mile away! Oh how I love them so! If I could just stay away from gorging myself on sweets and treats I think I'd be good. And!!!...an added bonus MY SKIN WILL CLEAR UP!

My new goal is to figure out how to make pastries with almond milk instead of whole milk. A cup of Whole Milk has 150 calories for 8 oz. according to the CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/drinks.html Although, I never bought anything other than skim milk...I don't like the texture of whole milk but to cook with it, almost necessary.

Now, I'm learning to cook with almond milk. Almond milk has 60 calories for every 8 oz. and apparently you can cook almost anything with it according to http://almondbreeze.com/?navid=530

I'm a fan!

So, I have begun my plan to eliminate accessible sugar in my home, slowly so I don't have a sugar attack and rush out to buy a snicker bar...just for the record, I don't eat candy bars unless they come from Europe! Much better chocolate and mostly dark chocolates too!

More to follow at a later date of course but for now...I'll be using almond milk and making my own candy, I'm super excited now!

Monday, March 12, 2012

O2 Mask Anyone?

A year ago, I was running circles around who I am now! Not having the time to run this year has certainly put me back to the beginning. With my legs kicking and screaming at me to give them a break...which I did on Saturday...I still can't seem to pass the phase where my quad's are no longer sore.

The second thing I've noticed is how tired this whole working out thing has made me! I've been told by some health experts (trainers, etc...) that for the first month I will feel tired and always hungry.  I'm burning calories now OH GOODIE!!!! I'm getting thinner....to the tune of na naa na naa boo boo!!!Well, that's my goal anyway.

So, for today, all I can say is wow!!!! it went by so fast. We got to run 3.5 miles which seemed like a marathon because at a 9 to 9:30 pace, I felt like a turtle, or as my drill sergeant used to tell us "You're slower than pond water private!!!" But, at least it was done albeit S.L.O.W.! 

Holy crap I need an oxygen tank when I run these days! My ability to inhale enough O2 seems to be lower! I can't seem to get enough of it and even with my inhaler today it was tough! I feel like I can run longer but my lungs can't seem to keep up!  Hopefully this will pass too! We shall see!

Next run is on the calendar but for me, I'm off to get some rest!

G'night all!

Springing forward, not so easy!

What a weekend! I had the hardest time adjusting to the time change and was up past midnight! Then, waking up at the crack of dawn to get to work was the most painstaking task I have had in a while!

So, as I ventured into this one hour less weekend to get my workouts in and run I realized, much to my chagrin, that I left my Mizuno's in my office! How did that happen? I'll blame it on the time change! It's really not that easy to spring forward an hour and lose that precious hour of sleep, even if you have 24 hours to adjust....you still don't adjust. At least I didn't adjust.

Well, instead of running my run in silence I had planned for Sunday I decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood and the local pond with someone special. What a nice walk that was, the weather has been playing "guess the temperature" for weeks now and we took advantage of the weather yesterday! I think, due to the special remembrance I take on March 11th of every year, Mother Nature decided to bless us with nice weather. March 11th holds a special place in my heart for some very special people who lost their lives on that day in 2004 in Iraq. They were the only two to lose their lives that day so every year on the 11th day of March I have my own moment of silence and then I run! I run in memory of them! They will never run again but I was left on this earth to run for them.

So, after we walked we did yard work and then cooked! I love weekend cooking! But, I knew I still had to get my butt in gear! In order to get myself moving and stay motivated I decided to do some cross training as well! I did it...I broke out Les Mills Pump DVD from Beach Body! I can hear the snickering now, but trust me I'll get the last laugh...I hope! I know it sounds like a waste of time and if you ever watched the commercials and thought it was a ridiculous ploy to get you to buy something worthless, it's completely opposite what you think! This has been a great tool to get me going! My legs have been yelling and screaming at me for a week now.

Today, I woke up after only a few hours of sleep and for some reason...I have a LOT of energy! I will get my run in this morning...Let's see how the rest of the day pans out!

Until then...keep runnin'!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What does this have to do with running?

I was so excited about yesterday's Blog! I ventured into something I virtually feared. I thought blogging was for professionals who were subject matter experts or journalists who can tell a story with a few words to captivate the reader in a pinch! I thought, I'd never have anything interesting to tell or  talk about. Until that day I saw the whites of my eyes in the mirror after a long run! It was then that I realized that I wanted to share my passion! I wanted to tell about the funny things I came across during a run or a workout. I wanted to also describe the way the workout was structured or how long my run was and if I had a good run or not. I thought to myself, "how can I tell my story"? So, I thought, hey, I'll blog it! So, that leads me to the answer to the title of this particular blog. Running is the reason I started it! And now it gives me something to think about and be creative about while I run!

Then yesterday I realized, wow, it's actually really fun!...I found a new addiction to add to my collection of addictions! Well, maybe not addictions but hobbies! Hey, I could be addicted to way worse right?!

My hobbies are coffee...mmm...I love the smell and taste in the morning. I have another addiction...well, it was an addiction and now it's become more of a hobby...running! I used to run all the time! What happened to me?! Why don't I run all the time anymore? Life got in the way. Well, not anymore! I'm back and so is my blogging...after almost a 2 year hiatus! That's what this has to do with running! It will give me something to think about during my runs and I'll finally lose that backside of mine that's been following me around like a lost puppy! 

So, today, day two of blogging...I have a run planned at the trails today. I'll put my kiddo on his bike and let him loose while I trail behind him for a few miles! But first...I'm off to a much needed massage! This week of working out has not let me forget I am out of shape once again! SORENESS!  So, until later...enjoy your day! Let me know how your day went or share your thoughts on your experiences with me. I'd love to hear them!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The history behind red faced runner

I began this post a long time ago but life got in the way and I didn't finish it...I deleted it and never returned...

Now, I've decided to start once again and tell the reason behind the name Red Faced Runner.
At 19, I joined the Army, began road marching and running...putting my body through things I never believed possible. I fractured my hips in 3 places and thought I'd never be able to really run again. Well, eventually, I healed and began to run...only for APFT's and never any farther than the 2 miles that were required.

Then 26 came around and I went to Officer Candidate School (OCS), once again, putting my body through some rigorous training that I never dreamed I'd do. Again, my hips fractured! Here, I really thought I'd never run again! I healed and at the end of OCS we had to run 5 miles for time! I ran, I ran fast and I never looked back. I ran that in 34 minutes. I think a combination of sheer determination and the fear of failure gave me enough adrenaline to make me faster than normal! A week prior to graduation, we ran 8 miles...the farthest I have ever run! That was the week of April 2002! I graduated! I maxed my APFT! I never ran any further again...

...That brings me to 2006, my second round in the desert! It was October, two months prior to the Honolulu shadow marathon. My friend came to me and said, you have to run this marathon with me. I thought to myself, is this girl on drugs! I'm not running 26.2 miles...that's just stupid, besides, I have not run more than 8 miles in 4 years...only because I had to, not because I wanted to! But...I relented and she convinced me. I joined her running group and before long I had hit 22 miles! I thought, wow, what an accomplishment for someone who was told she'd never run again! Then I was hooked! It was such a high, made me feel temporarily invinceable! So, I began running and realized it was the best thing I ever did for myself. It gave me a sense of clarity, a way to escape the pain. The pain of what you ask...the pain of what I though of as my life falling apart, the pain of divorce, the pain of loneliness, the pain of feeling unwanted. I escaped through every step I ran. Then I stopped....

Here we are, 2012 and I've only run 7 marathons, 4 1/2 marathons, the Army 10 Miler, a few 10K's, a few 5K's a Mud Run, the Metro Dash and hopefully in the future the Spartan Race! I love a challenge

So, you ask, where does "Red Faced Runner" come from? Well, let me explain...One day, I came home from a long run, stretched outside on my porch, drank some water and went inside to the bathroom to wash my face and have a recovery drink. When I looked up in the mirrior, all I could see plainly were the whites of my eyes! My face was beat red! Not that I had never noticed it before but for some reason, this day, I asked...why do I always look like a beet when I'm done running, I always return home "RED FACED" my next run I ran I was thinking about my face turning red and how it stays red for a while after my runs and I thought...I should write a blog about my running days and....my non running days and the motivation and non-motivation that I have experienced along the way.

So, every day I run, I end up with a red face...hence where "Red Faced Runner" comes from!

If you want, follow me on my journey as I run the streets I find around the world. I hope I can inspire you to run or at least make you laugh at my running rants along the way....

My journey begins today!