Saturday, March 10, 2012

What does this have to do with running?

I was so excited about yesterday's Blog! I ventured into something I virtually feared. I thought blogging was for professionals who were subject matter experts or journalists who can tell a story with a few words to captivate the reader in a pinch! I thought, I'd never have anything interesting to tell or  talk about. Until that day I saw the whites of my eyes in the mirror after a long run! It was then that I realized that I wanted to share my passion! I wanted to tell about the funny things I came across during a run or a workout. I wanted to also describe the way the workout was structured or how long my run was and if I had a good run or not. I thought to myself, "how can I tell my story"? So, I thought, hey, I'll blog it! So, that leads me to the answer to the title of this particular blog. Running is the reason I started it! And now it gives me something to think about and be creative about while I run!

Then yesterday I realized, wow, it's actually really fun!...I found a new addiction to add to my collection of addictions! Well, maybe not addictions but hobbies! Hey, I could be addicted to way worse right?!

My hobbies are coffee...mmm...I love the smell and taste in the morning. I have another addiction...well, it was an addiction and now it's become more of a hobby...running! I used to run all the time! What happened to me?! Why don't I run all the time anymore? Life got in the way. Well, not anymore! I'm back and so is my blogging...after almost a 2 year hiatus! That's what this has to do with running! It will give me something to think about during my runs and I'll finally lose that backside of mine that's been following me around like a lost puppy! 

So, today, day two of blogging...I have a run planned at the trails today. I'll put my kiddo on his bike and let him loose while I trail behind him for a few miles! But first...I'm off to a much needed massage! This week of working out has not let me forget I am out of shape once again! SORENESS!  So, until later...enjoy your day! Let me know how your day went or share your thoughts on your experiences with me. I'd love to hear them!

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