Monday, March 12, 2012

Springing forward, not so easy!

What a weekend! I had the hardest time adjusting to the time change and was up past midnight! Then, waking up at the crack of dawn to get to work was the most painstaking task I have had in a while!

So, as I ventured into this one hour less weekend to get my workouts in and run I realized, much to my chagrin, that I left my Mizuno's in my office! How did that happen? I'll blame it on the time change! It's really not that easy to spring forward an hour and lose that precious hour of sleep, even if you have 24 hours to still don't adjust. At least I didn't adjust.

Well, instead of running my run in silence I had planned for Sunday I decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood and the local pond with someone special. What a nice walk that was, the weather has been playing "guess the temperature" for weeks now and we took advantage of the weather yesterday! I think, due to the special remembrance I take on March 11th of every year, Mother Nature decided to bless us with nice weather. March 11th holds a special place in my heart for some very special people who lost their lives on that day in 2004 in Iraq. They were the only two to lose their lives that day so every year on the 11th day of March I have my own moment of silence and then I run! I run in memory of them! They will never run again but I was left on this earth to run for them.

So, after we walked we did yard work and then cooked! I love weekend cooking! But, I knew I still had to get my butt in gear! In order to get myself moving and stay motivated I decided to do some cross training as well! I did it...I broke out Les Mills Pump DVD from Beach Body! I can hear the snickering now, but trust me I'll get the last laugh...I hope! I know it sounds like a waste of time and if you ever watched the commercials and thought it was a ridiculous ploy to get you to buy something worthless, it's completely opposite what you think! This has been a great tool to get me going! My legs have been yelling and screaming at me for a week now.

Today, I woke up after only a few hours of sleep and for some reason...I have a LOT of energy! I will get my run in this morning...Let's see how the rest of the day pans out!

Until then...keep runnin'!

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