Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Z Monster refuses to leave...

Now...right this very instant I feel like the Z Monster won't leave my eyelids alone! He keeps pushing them down and wanting me to fall into that state of sleep where the world around you vanishes temporarily and you sleep so soundly! BUT!!!...I can't, I must fight this feeling! Only until Sunday which is usually my sleep-in Day!

Yesterday I went to Tae Kwon Do (TKD) twice! Both times I left almost drenched from the exercise. I went to the adult class at lunch which left me sticky sweaty but feeling like I accomplished something. Usually when I do the family class with my son, I don't feel like I did too much! Last night was a different story! They had us moving and working a LOT! I have to say, I felt like I did a marathon yesterday.

Night soon fell, not long after TKD was over. Ever since the time measly hour, I can't seem to get to sleep before midnight! Keep in mind...I wake up at 0530 every morning for work!

This morning, I feel like I woke up drunk! I felt dizzy and just plain exhausted. I will make it through this phase...I'm determined!

What the heck?! I got on the scale today only to find that I had GAINED weight! Granted it was only a few pounds and I know they say you gain a little before you lose...I hope this is true! It's the first time it's happened to me so we will see! I eat 1200 calories a day with all nutritional needs filled and I exercise! How can I gain 3 pounds?! I should have lost 3 pounds! This is unfair! :(

So for my run today, same route as Monday but hopefully a bit faster...To be continued......

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