Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shamrock Saturday...run for the shamrock!

Last time I wrote I had grandiose ideas on running far but that didn't happen...Then, this past weekend when I watched a part of the Shamrock Marathon, I got a little bit of runners envy! You should have seen the streets displayed in a sea of green for miles upon miles!! What a sight, unfortunately, I chose to forego the Marathon...hear me groan :(  But, to my defense I wasn't ready to run it but I didn't want to hurt myself. 

Instead, I registered my li'l man for the "Final Mile", a school event where the children spend a year running a mile a day at PE and finish a marathon's last mile! So cute! While I was hanging out waiting for my mini speed demon to cross the finish line, I was lost in nostalgia...nostalgia for the runs I WAS running! This has become a daunting task for me this running thing! 

Well, to make myself feel better I ventured out on a 6 mile run and to my surprise I felt quite good! I was energized and rearing to go! The weather is perfect except for the mix of pollen and haze! What the heck happened to spring??!! I was really looking forward to easing back into my runs with the smell of the fresh cool air and the scent of new spring buds growing as they wait for summer to brighten their leaves.

Watching the trees turn green and the birds flying across the sky as I run takes my breath away. I listen to the songs the birds sing as the sound of the traffic fades into the background and I forget for a minute the pain in my thighs from this reborn love of mine!


I'm going to find a 1/2 marathon for next month or in May and begin my goal of completion....Anyone want to run it with me? You can virtually, you can keep me motivated with your witty comments to get me off my duff and move my butt! Or, you can watch me as I post miles on Facebook, yes, I'm kind of crazy like that! :)

Tomorrow, I am hoping to get in a good run maybe jump up the morning/lunchtime run to 5 miles..what do you think?


  1. Ok, a half in the next month or so is kind of out of my league, but I am training with you. My 1st marathon is in October and I hope to keep training and stay motivated. Keep up the blog, it makes me smile and want to get out and train. Looking forward to your next addition.

  2. Army 10-Miler bound again this year! I am just waiting for the date to sign up! Maybe I'll get more to join me! Which marathon are you doing? Marine Corps?
