Thursday, March 15, 2012

Run went missing...

I can't even explain what happened yesterday! I woke up feeling incredibly awkward and had to actuall take in some of my inhaler...didn't work. I'm completely stress free...for the moment too! For some reason, I couldn't get it together, I barely remember yesterday's events...

...I had every intention of getting my arse out on a run but somehow, time drifted faster through the day and the next thing I know, a run went missing! I MUST get motivated and make no excuses for not running! I have to get out there and "pound the pavement" or I will succomb to the comfort of my chair! I refuse to let that happen so today, I'll take in some TKD at lunch...there is only testing today and my son gets to test for his Orange belt...Shhhh, don't tell him but I'm completely jealous! My Yellow belt is still naked! No stripes yet, not even close to testing for Orange yet! fingers crossed for next month! 

Since I came in before the birds chirped this morning to do our news summary, I will get to leave a little extra early today so I will squeeze in a run before I have to get my kiddo to his testing! I have to make myself get in at least 5 miles tonight! 5...5 not 3, not 4 but 5.

Can you hear me yelling at myself right now! If you can't, let me help you..."I WILL RUN 5 MILES TODAY!"

I need motivation! I need a running buddy, it's so hard to do this on my own! BUT..I will, and I'll prevail, and I'll get rid of my derrière!

Have a great day all...I'll fill you in next time on my fit-venture!

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