Thursday, March 22, 2012're not going anywhere!

Nope, that's not a misspelling in the title that you see, it's a play on words! I have been eating relatively well and staying more active than in the recent past and I can't seem to drop the pounds any faster!

One day I'll weigh in at 121.4 lbs and the next I'm at 122.8 or worse 124! Granted I've managed to keep a steady 2 pounds off from the 126 that I was at but still, I would like to get down to my ideal body weight which is 116-118. At this rate, I won't break 120!

I guess it's that plateau effect that is hanging around and not dropping off! I have cut my caloric intake to 1200 calories...keep in mind, that's not perfect calories. Of course I still have a war with sugar going on right now but those tiny little crystals of sweetness are taking over slowly!

Today, I plan a good run! Yep, gonna get out there and pound the pavement and gitter done! I have my running budy rearing to go so we are off...stand by for more!


  1. Wow! You don't weigh a lot at all, you are CRAZY! lol. I weigh about 10 pounds more than you do! Try taking a glass of water and put some apple cider vinegar in it and drink it before bed. If flushes out all the toxins in your body and did wonders for me! It tastes gross, but you get used to it after time and it has many other health benefits!

  2. Also I heard that if you do fasted cardio, that is, first thing in the morning, then you'll burn more fat. Anyway..just a thought. And by the way, you look great!

  3. Hey thanks!
    Courtney, I'm totally going to give that a try! I'll let you know how that goes! You are a super model anyway and I bet your 10 pounds is nothing but muscle hot momma!

    Joe, I have heard that about cardio as well. I think I may do my run that way in the morning. I usually have to put a little something in my tummy though, usually about 45 minutes prior. I have dropped my caloric intake to 1200 calories so until my body gets used to that, I have to have something so I don't crash and burn. What do you usually eat and when?

  4. Also, when i exercise when I first wake up, it makes me want to be healthy for the whole day. I find I eat a lot healthier and crave less junk and have so much more energy!

  5. That's exactly how I feel Courtney! I'm definitely going to have to make sure I do eat healthier! I'm on my way out the door to the beach for a run! You'll hear about that in my next blog!

  6. I've heard the same thing about fasted cardio. Just be careful you don't bonk.
    Don't get caught up worrying about at plateau on the scale. You're probably just gaining muscle weight at about the same rate you're losing fat weight. My last plateau on the scale was when everyone started complimenting me on how fit I was looking. You got this girl!

  7. Oh man, I'll tell ya, it's a battle and a half! I think the biggest problem is the deserts on my plate! even though some are healthy mixes of fruits I still can't seem to pass up the sweets! I shall conquer!
