Monday, March 26, 2012

They STILL Don't fit!

Ok, so I have a business trip coming up where I will be wearing civilian clothes... is where the sad story starts! Ok, so it's not a sad story but it's me feeling pitiful for myself...picture it, Virginia Beach, 2012...Do you hear the similarities with Sofia on Golden Girls?
If not, let me remind you...Golden Girls theme song  The good thing is I have some good friends who can help kick my butt into shape, even if they are not here with me! 

Well, picture it, I have been working out and running now since January but it just seem like the stubborn fat will NOT GO AWAY! Albeit, it's been a rough start and hard to get myself motivated and add to that the fact that my travel habits were not the best in the past 6 or so months...I ate a lot of good European food! WELLLLL....I won't be doing that least for a while. The Hoover, otherwise known as my stomach, is now out of service!

How do I know I have not lost a lick of fat, well, let's just say as I was sadly packing for this trip to Chicago for the Summit in May, I was trying on my outfits that I wanted to wear. Needless to say, they are T.I.G.H.T!

This cannot be possible I tell you! So, tomorrow, I will get up extra early so that I can get to work and run at least 6 miles before I begin my day. After that, I need to be very good about what I eat! I have to kick this sugar habit!

So, I need some motivation! Tell me, how do you girls and boys stay motivated on a daily basis? How is it that I can run 6 miles no problem and still have fat assets if you catch my drift?  Anyone? Anyone out there want to add to this and tell me I'm not alone here with this battle of the cellulite?

UGH! I will combat this! 


  1. You have never been fat. But as far as your situation it's all about your diet. I went through it too working out every day 2 hrs a day making minimal progress. I had to change my eating habits. As vain as it may sound my clothes are my motivation. I got rid of fat girl jeans as I got smaller and when they START getting tight I put the fork down and hit the trails. Baby steps are the key if you try doing too much too fast it can be overwhelming. One day at a time. Smooches and good luck

  2. Hey Robin. I applaud your tenacity and dedication. However, I can't give you advice on motivation. I look to you to keep going. I want to love running like you do and be as dedicated as much as I can. I know I just spent the evening throwing back beers with the boys, but a few pounds here and there are acceptable. I just want you to have a good quality of life and enjoy every minute. Like TangueraySpears said, you have never been fat. Drive on and stay the person that you are! See you on the road and lets run!

  3. Tangy (my loving nickname for you - smooches back)and Chris, Thank you. I know I've never been "fat" but I've been called fat by a couple of people who shall remain nameless :)
    I have to learn to love running again and it's slowly coming back. It's my meditation time to think about my health and my attitude for the day. Tangy, I have fat girl jeans too, when I put on too much body fat I break those bad boys out and scream at reminds me to "put the fork down" too but my gosh, I love food and even more I love sweets! Not candy but I love pastrey!!! ;) Chris, I'll continue to motivate you and anyone else who can find humor or something good from what I blog :) See you on the trails...maybe Disney!
