Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What the heck! Mother Nature cannot make up her mind! One day it's beautiful and sunny with great temperatures, pollen floating around telling me Spring is in the air. The next it's rainy and muggy with a slight chill cutting to the bone BUT...still great weather.

We all know the saying about March...in like a lion out like a lamb however, I am beginning to think the lion decided to overstay its welcome!

I had it all planned out last night for my early morning rendez-vous with running...My clothes all picked out and placed ever so neatly in my duffel bag as I eagerly await my morning meditational run. I chose my amazing running shorts and sweat wicking T-shirt and my Mizuno sneakers. When I stepped out of my warm cozy bed, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Ahhh, the early morning FREEZE had managed to creep its way back during the night.

So, I begrudgingly took out my long sleeve shirt and thought it would be enough to sheild me from the bitter cold that dear Mother Nature had lovingly blanketed the earth with this morning.

Nope...it wasn't enough but I braved it anyway! As I stepped out onto the pavement from the gym, the air, bitter as it was, clinched my legs and took my breath away. Usually, cold doesn't bother me on a run, I actually prefer running in cold weather but today...something was different.

As I ran down the sidewalk that led outside the post main gate, I began to sniffle...nope, not allergies this time but every time I run in the cold my nose runs more than I do! Next thing I know I have snotcycles forming on the tips of my nose. Boy, that's fun, if you can imagine....

Caution: Sarcasm at work here!

So, as I approached the 1.5 mile mark I saw this little patch of goldeness and of course...I had to capture it in time so I could share with you, my small readership!

Along the path were Buttercup flowers...they reminded me of my childhood and placing them under my chin to see if they reflected yellow.

This is a little blurry but, keep in mind...I was running. Combining two of my novice hobbies together. Add to the quick stop and the frozen air I had to keep moving! So blurred they are!

The run ended well, I ran a little over a 9 minute pace which for me is great especially when I usually keep a 10 minute pace.

Must have been the snotcycles on my face that forced me to rush back!

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